Risk Free Consultation

Southern California Roofing Contractor

If you're investing in roofing services for your home, it's important to hire a reputable Southern California roofing company. While there are many contractors out there, few are as qualified as August Roofing & Solar. We've been in the industry since 1991, and in that time have helped countless homeowners get the residential roofs they need. We provide a vast range of quality, luxury roofing services that will add dramatic curb appeal and boost the function of your residence.

As an Owens Corning Preferred Contractor and a 5-star accredited company by the Better Business Bureau, our reputation speaks for itself. Allow our top roofing contractors to provide you with the roof installation of your dreams.

New Roofing Systems from Southern California's Best Installers

Very few roofing companies provide as much dependable service as August Roofing & Solar. Our motto is professional service, peace of mind, which signifies our commitment to our customers. We have a variety of high-end roofing types and services that all homeowners in the area can take advantage of. Our work includes:

  • New Construction: Building a new home? August Roofing & Solar can integrate with your other contractors to equip you with a stunning new roof.
  • Roof Replacements: If it's been many years since you've had a roof replacement in Southern California, our team would be happy to provide it.
  • Roof Repairs: Occasionally, damage does occur. When this happens, our professionals can quickly restore function. We're experts at spotting leaks.

Additionally, our roofing contractors can outfit your home with a state-of-the-art SolaRoof. This unique package allows you to fully enjoy the benefits of a new roof while also getting the boosted energy efficiency of solar panels.

Request a Quote for Your Southern California Installation Today

With so many roof installers in the Southern California area, it can be very difficult to decide on one. Rest assured, August Roofing & Solar is the best choice. Our 30+ years of experience, professional service, and extensive selection of roofing services sets us apart. Be sure to browse all our services, including solar, and get in touch today for a quote. We look forward to hearing from you.