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Southern California SunPower Solar Company

August Roofing & Solar understands the need for high-quality solar power systems in our work. Customers must be able to rely on their solar panels to provide power in any situation, from sunny days to bad weather. As a solar panel company that's A+ rated and accredited by the Better Business Bureau, we do our best to make sure your home update is completed to your satisfaction. What does that mean for our customers?

We work with leading local solar panel manufacturer, SunPower, to provide customers with high-end panels able to provide power to their homes for decades. You'll be able to trust the system we install to power your home at a moment's notice.

Why Choose SunPower for Your Home?

A well-known name in the industry, SunPower designs and manufactures solar panels for a range of applications. From home solar panels to solar power plants, this company has helped customers secure energy in many ways. They have also been around since 1985, so they are considered one of the longer-established solar companies in the United States.

SunPower offers complete solar power systems that include solar panel installation, batteries, and control unit. With the addition of a user-friendly software application, these systems make installing and managing your solar power system a cinch.

Professional Solar Panel Installation & Maintenance

When homeowners turn to August Roofing & Solar to install their SunPower solar systems, they receive premium, customer-focused services. Our team includes fully licensed, bonded, and insured roofing contractors who know how to install solar panels without damaging your property.

More than that, our experts can provide a solar energy assessment of your property. We'll determine how much energy you can expect from your solar system and create a free cost estimate to install it. We can also install an integrated roof and solar power system as part of the SolaRoof Program. Get a new roof installation at the same time as you upgrade to solar.

Grab a Precise Price Estimate for SunPower Solar Panels

Are you interested in learning more about our solar installation services in Southern California? Contact August Roofing & Solar to set up a free consultation with a solar specialist about upgrading your home with SunPower systems.

You can also turn to us for help with roofing! To begin, give us a call or fill out our online form now.